Fare Quote (Pricing)

Fare Quote provides pricing for air segments in an itinerary.

Travelport receives hourly transmissions of new fare data from our Airline Partners via ATPCO and NDC. When pricing a booking without modifiers, several assumptions are applied by default.

  • All passengers in the booking require fare quotes.

  • All passengers are adults unless an infant or a specific passenger type code has been used when the name field was added.

  • All segments are to be quoted.

  • Ticketing to take place on the same date as the fare is quoted or within the guaranteed Time limits.

  • Sale and ticketing to take place in the country of the terminal location.

  • A stopover is assumed where connections are 24 hours or more, or 4 hours or more if the journey is within North America.

  • Passengers are not exempt from any ticketable taxes.

  • Itinerary is a maximum of 16 segments and/or eight fare components.

  • A maximum of 99 passengers and 4 passenger types can be quoted in one entry.

  • We will not auto-price domestic fares for an itinerary that includes an inter-country connection point when the traveled mileage is greater than three times the fare component's origin/destination mileage.


Basic Fare Quote Galileo Apollo Worldspan





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For a detailed list of Pricing and other formats please see Format Assistance.

The following sections give more details on specific parts of Pricing. Click each header to drop down the information.


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